Tuesday 7 August 2012

Project Two: Inspiration For Pattern Making

For project two we are expected to explore the nature of structure through its decomposition. By the end of it we should have a stronger understanding of the relationship between noise and structure. To help me with this project I have found some images of patterns which I really like and would like to use as inspiration when coming up with ideas for my own pattern which I will create in processing. 

Beatriz  Milhazes

What I like most about these two images is the use of colour and repetition of shapes that have been layered up. It creates a sense of chaos but at the same time looks purposeful in its composition. 

Matt W. Moore

I just really love the use of triangles and the geometric form they create. I like how the colours  and position of the triangles create a 3d look and seem like they are sticking out and coming off the wall.  I would really like to create a pattern that has thus effect or atleast involves triangles. 

Sarah Hughes

I found these images by Sarah Hughes and just thought they were quite a nice example of what noise could look like. The bottom image especially as it starts to spin out and become less in volume. It is so simple yet the use of repeating a simple symbol and then changing the amount of the symbol that is displayed creates such an effective image and visually communicates a lot. 


I chose the top image because I thought it was a great example of a simple shape being used to create a busy image. I like the bottom image and thought the symbols had potential to be a starting form which I could then manipulate into a pattern. 

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