Monday 23 April 2012

One Word film Brainstorming

This is my Brainstorming so far for the one word project! I did an alphabet brainstorm and came up with words for each letter of the alphabet to get me thinking and come up with a range of words. I then picked my favourite nine words and developed on them further. From these I have chosen 'messy', 'lost' and 'awkward' as my final three words which I will do story boards for. 

1. Caterpillar- I have focused on the idea of showing the stages a caterpillar goes through before it becomes a butterfly. I would show this process by making a caterpillar up using the letters and having it crawl along the screen. Multiple letters of a smaller side would be scattered around the screen and the caterpillar would eat them and as this happens the caterpillar would get bigger (shown through increase of font size). Eventually the caterpillar would curl up into a cocoon shape where the film would come to an end. 

2. Rain- The idea behind the word rain is that the letters making up the word rain would fall at different times, starting off with just a few letters falling and hitting the ground. As the rain starts to get heavier the letters would fall harder and more of them would fall at one time to create impact. 

3. Awkward- My initial idea I had for the word awkward was that the w, k, w, a, r, d are all having a dance party and the A comes in and the other letters stop dancing when the A tries to join in. leaving the situation awkward.

1. Lost- The basic idea I had for the word lost is that the S disappears off the screen and the other letters are left trying to find it. They search up, down, left, right, climb up on top of each other and spin in circles in search to find the S. Eventually the letters find the S and the word lost is formed.

2. March- For the word march I was thinking that the letters would come in onto the screen in sync moving left right left. Then eventually stopping after they have marched around the screen and positioning themselves at attention and then going on another march off the screen to finish.

3. Messy- For the word messy my idea was to have the letters come on to the screen gradually and then more and more coming on at one time till the whole screen is covered in letters. The screen would be so covered that you wouldn't be able to really make out what the letters are and all you would really be able to see is a patch of black.

1. Tunnel- For the word tunnel I thought that the letters could form the word tunnel and then each letter took their turn to go through it. 

2. Jump- With the word jump my idea focuses on the letters moving up and down at different times and speeds and starting in different positions when their about to jump. 

3. Wheels- For the word wheels my idea was to have the letters form wheels and then the wheels rolling across the screen at different times racing each other. 

I did abit of research into some potential fonts that I could use for this project.
I mainly focused on messy as I was pretty sure that was the word I would make the clip for. I designed some of these fonts myself as well as editing fonts that already existed by moving the vector points in illustrator and playing around with some of the tools available in illustrator.

I think most of the messy fonts look and reflect the word messy well but once I come to use them in then film I think they could potentially be distracting and hard to read. For the word messy the final font I decided to go with was Fat Squiggles (second one down on the left). I think the first fonts shown for lost and awkward best suit them as they are clear to read but are still quite quirky and fit the character of the words.

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