Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Project Two: Sketches

Sketches Of  Models From Project One:

After reading over the brief a couple of times and understanding what it is we are doing in this next project I decided to do some sketches of my final hero model from the first project which I hope to make in this project. Since my model is quite complexed I am thinking of breaking my model down even more or using one of the earlier iterations. It also crossed my mind to consider using my orignal solid works model or combining aspects of models together to create a new one. I am still very unsure of what it is that I want to do. I will keep on sketching and researching laser cutting to get an idea of the possibilities. I am really looking forward to this project it sounds quite fun. 


  1. I want to learn solidworks on my own, and I'm searching for the best tutorial on the market.. I want something that will walk me through. From the very beginning to a professional finished product.. Do you have experience with any tutorials? If so, did you like it?. . Thanks!!. buy solidworks

  2. I just used the tutorials that were available in solid works itself. They were very helpful and covered all the basics and more.
