Friday 27 July 2012

Project One: Idea Developement

For project one I would like my interactive object to be based around the relationship between colour and the sense sight. From some of the previous research I have done on colour I have come up with the idea of testing how well someone can read something in a colour that is not the same as the word the is written eg: blue. I have found an image for inspiration which I would like to use as guidance for when creating my interactive object.

This image which I have found is an example of what I would like to do but I would like to present it in a different way so that it is more than just reading what is written off a piece of card. Keeping in mind that I would like my interactive object to be something that requires two people to use at one time, so that it can be a competition, here are some of the ideas that I have come up with:

1. Game of snap- Same rules as snap but instead of snapping when you see two of the same numbers you would snap when you see two of the same words written. The colour that the word is written in is irrelevant apart from the fact that it will make it harder and more confusing for the players. In the next lesson I will be bring along some cards to test this idea. At the moment the cards just have words on them and no shapes. It will be interesting to see if the colour of the word effects what people assume is written. If this is successful I might make another set that has words and shapes to make the game even harder. 

2.  The second idea that I have thought of is having a big piece of card displaying something similar to the image above and having it in a fixed place and then having a person read what is written out loud but within a strict time. I thought that getting the same person to do it three times but within different time lengths eg: 10sec, 30sec, 60sec would make the task more interesting. With the different time slots it would be interesting to see if the person doesn't get as far through or stuffs up more with the less amount of time given to them as they might feel under pressure.

3. The third idea that I have had is having a display card similar to the one above but then having things within in it hiding and then getting a person to read what they see within a certain time and once they have finished ask them if they noticed the thing that was hiding etc. I think it could be quite cool to make it something like count how many times you see the word red written but then somewhere have the word red in a different colour or written in a different way eg: backwards. 

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