Friday 27 July 2012

Project One: Model development

So far I have 16 iterations. Below is an image showing them. I have them in groups of four and each group in a different colour because each colour represents a different direction which I have gone from the orignal solid works model. I have chosen to do it this way because there was more than one way which I wanted to go with my model. 

In each group I have tried to portray what the movement of the mind might look like if you were going insane. I have used modifiers such as twist, bend and slice to show these iterations. I have tried to portray the word shock in each of them by have sharp spikes interlocking each other and cutting through the body of the model. I have also begun to incorporate a circular shape which suggests containment eg: of the thoughts which is causing someone to become inane as everything inside of them is building  up and they can no longer handel it. In the next lot of iterations I want to explore this more at a larger scale and begin to change the surface so that it is not just plan but tells a story in itslf. To do this I am wanting to try the shell tool and lattice tool. Hopefully these tools will create new perspective to the word asymmetrical as well.

For the next set of iterations that I am currently working on I am beginning to combine the ideas which I have explored in each of these groups.

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