Monday, 1 October 2012

Project Two: Paths Shown In Flash

Final Paths Shown In Flash Application:

Above is an image illustrating the final paths that are I have chosen to show in my Flash application. Only these buttons will do something when using my flash application. I have chosen to do it this way to make it easier and just focus on the key features of my application. I really wanted the timetable and multiple floor view actions to be the things that I focused on. However I have showed an example of changing one of the setting options just to give an idea of how easy it is to do and what the steps would look like for changing something in the settings menu. Apart from this my main paths are using the timetable and multiple floor stack view to get from one building to another. Hopefully this diagram will help direct the user as to which button to press and the order to go into. I would have liked to have made a fully functioning application but this would have required a lot more screens and code and I don't think I could have accomplished it in time. However my wireframe from earlier on shows in detail  all the options that would exist if this was to be made and sold.  

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