Friday 20 July 2012

Project One: Interactive Objects: Inspiration

For project one I would like my interactive object to focus on the sense sight. I have found a few youtube clips of possible things that I would like to use possibly in my own interactive object, as well as general inspiration for this project.

The Awareness Test 

Did you see the moonwalking bear? It is easy to miss something you are not looking for. In this clip our  mind is being confused with sight. I really like this idea and would quite like to experiment with it. Whether it be something as simple as a light appearing while being asked to complete something else such as reading and being so focused on the task that you don't see the lights appearing. 

Scary Maze Game

In this clip the guy is so focused of the task that when something unexpected happens (the monster) he can't help but react with surprise and shock. This is incorporating sight, touch and the mind together. I think creating something that will have a noise or unexpected surface etc appear while doing something else could be quite fun to work with. 

Virtual  Barber Shop

This is just so amazing. Even though this clip focuses on the sense hearing I still think it is an excellent example of how are senses are used and controlled by other things. It would be really cool to try and take the concept of this clip and apply it too another sense eg: sight and see what happens.

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