Thursday 26 July 2012

Project One: Studio Four: Reflection

In todays studio we got to try out some interactive objects that people in the group had come up with and wanted to be tested. It was such a fun lesson trying out the different things. They were all so different and required different senses to work. A couple of them were run more like a game which I liked. Having abit of competition is always fun. This is something I would like to consider when coming up and developing my own interactive object. One of the tests focused on your sense of smell and what you identify that smell with. This was done by having black pipe cleaners dipped in three different fragrances and then when had to pick a coloured felt which we best thought represented the smell. It was interesting to see what everyone thought. The three smells were raspberrypeppermint and lemon flavoured food colouring. Most of us were close but not spot on. Another test that I really enjoyed doing was the one that required you to identify the object by the sound that it made. This was done by having a whole lot of objects in a box and one person had to make a noise with two objects from that choice while the other person who could not see them had to identify what they were from the sound they heard. They had pictures of all the possible objects that they could be and chose from that. This was a really popular test as it involved more than one person and it was run more like a game. Everyone got real competitive and after a while we began to time ourselves to see how long we took. After todays trialling of others experiments I have come up with some ideas of my own. I noticed that a lot of them involved touch so I am really excited to try something that is centered around the sense sight. 

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