Friday 20 July 2012

Project One: Studio Two: Reflection

In todays studio we had a show an tell session where we all shared what we brought along for the five senses. The bubble wrap which someone brought for the sense touch, the ipad application that made different pitches of meowing noises when you moved you finger on the screen and the jellybean game for the sense taste was my favourite out of everything. I really liked the feel of the bubble wrap and the sound that it made when you poped it. Its so addicting. The ipad application was hilarious. The cat made so many different meowing noises, it was definitely a class favourite. Finally the jellybean game. We all had to spin a wheel and whatever it landed on we had to eat that colour. The twist was some of the jellybeans tasted of rotten eggs, dog food and vomit while others tasted of nice things such as chocolate pudding and pears. The thing about this game is that the colours were misleading, they looked nice but did not necessarily taste yum. I was unfortunate and had to eat a jellybean that tasted like dog food. So GROSS!

After the activity we had to get into groups according to the sense that we were wanting to do for project one and then do some brainstorming. Some of the ideas that our group came up with for the senses sight and touch were:

- Confusing the mind with sight. For example having to read the colours in front of you but the lettering being a different colour from what the word says like show ---> Blue, green, yellow, pink.

- Trying to find hidden objects, textures, sensitivity etc. For example 'Wheres Wally'.. having picture cards and then having to try and find the texture that represents that object with out seeing what the textures are.

- Having a maze game or something and then when you touch certain places a noise will happen giving you a fright or something.

We talked a lot about illusions and messing the mind using sound, colour and the alphabet. I really like this idea and am very interested to give it ago.  

 Overall We had so much fun watching different youtube videos and exploring the different senses. For next lesson I hope to have found some precedents that will help me think of an idea for sight. Next lesson we have been asked to bring along a functional object and a fun object. I will bringing; functional= bottle opener and fun= slinky/ bubbles.

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